Allen Bradley (Rockwell)PLC 2 repair
Most problems with Allen Bradley PLC 2 modules can be fixed for a very reasonalble price.
Common problems are failing power supplies, faulty I/O modules, communications problems, and CPU memory faults.
Common symptoms include:
- CPU Fault light
- Non-linear analog channels.
- Failures on one or more input or output channels.
- Complete card (module) failure.. ie no module good light.
- Burnt components on board.
- Corrosion from water or other contaminant.
- Unable to communicate with CPU or network card
Call for 336-692-5961 quote or use the Quick Contact button above.
We offer a 1 year warranty and very competative pricing.
PLC 2 Analog Modules |
PLC 2 CPU's / Processors |
PLC 2 Power Supplies |
PLC 2 Network Modules |
PLC 2 Fixed I/O Modules |
PLC 2 Digital Modules |